SMC in association with Tokyo Gas Engineering Co. Ltd., undertook the site selection study of six sites for a new FSRU based LNG terminal in Kanbauk, Myanmar. SMC were responsible for determination of the marine works for a 266,000m3 capacity FSRU at each of the sites which were located up to 20km offshore. The study required consideration of future expansion at the sites and was carried out in two phases.
Phase 1 SMC undertook the schematic design for marine works for each site, which included
- Site survey and investigation.
- Seismic, tsunami, met-ocean and wave climate studies.
- Mooring analysis to determine loads and vessel movements under operational and extreme events.
- Feasibility and selection of mooring systems.
- Optimization of berth positions and orientation.
- Access channel & dredging requirements for nearshore sites.
- Sedimentation assessment and maintenance dredging requirements.
- Assess impact on operations due to environmental conditions.
- Consideration of pipeline routing, navigation, ship access and manoeuvering.
- CAPEX and OPEX of the marine facilities at each site.
- Phase 1 reporting with recommendation of three (3) sites for further study.
Phase 2 involved the development of marine works into preliminary designs for three sites with cost estimates. Final reporting ranked the sites and provided recommendations for final site selection.